
We are going to decide how to live in peace. Thanks so much for visiting..please add any comments you feel are relevant and poignant.. I would love to hear from people out there who have no idea why they are in the mess they are in. I am not technical , I am not arrogant and think I know it all. I have been through hell and back and have done some major research - That is the only difference in regards to insight.. Life is fair game , we all live it and we all have our own experiences .. IT would be great if we could put it all together and make a great website based in reality and truth.

my buddies

my buddies
loving friends can help you carry your burdens..

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About Me

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I am a 911 operator, I have been doing shiftwork for almost 20 years now. I have been through 2 divorces. I am a passionate person. I have dealt with stress in my life 10 fold. I did not know how to deal with it. It cost me my mental and physical health. I have learned through numerous methods how to live with stress. It is hard , very hard. I really want to help people to live their lives to their fullest potential. I have taken several courses on stress therapy and meditation. That only gives me the basics though , I have lived through it and came out on top.. I hope we can help each other.

My daughter and myself

My daughter and  myself
this is NOT stressful .

Friday, May 1, 2009

what is the definition of stress? According to chambers dictionary it means
1. pressure
2. urgency
3. strain
4. violence (eg stress of circumstance)
5 . system of forces operating over an area .
Stress has really only been in issue in the last 20 yrs .
In the rapid growth our society and modern technology, so it is now a "symptom"of our times . These technical changes and then consequential changes in our lifestyles have taxed our human resources , as well as enviornmental resources. However physiologically we , as a race have not changed.
Our bodily functions and our basic needs for survival remain as they always have been..shelter , food , warmth love activity and rest and creative freedom. These are fundamental aspects of human life.
so how do we compete with all the other demands, when the basic ones are trying at times?

1 comment:

  1. Good site and good topic for today's life. we really need to learn to cope with stress.


