
We are going to decide how to live in peace. Thanks so much for visiting..please add any comments you feel are relevant and poignant.. I would love to hear from people out there who have no idea why they are in the mess they are in. I am not technical , I am not arrogant and think I know it all. I have been through hell and back and have done some major research - That is the only difference in regards to insight.. Life is fair game , we all live it and we all have our own experiences .. IT would be great if we could put it all together and make a great website based in reality and truth.

my buddies

my buddies
loving friends can help you carry your burdens..

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About Me

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I am a 911 operator, I have been doing shiftwork for almost 20 years now. I have been through 2 divorces. I am a passionate person. I have dealt with stress in my life 10 fold. I did not know how to deal with it. It cost me my mental and physical health. I have learned through numerous methods how to live with stress. It is hard , very hard. I really want to help people to live their lives to their fullest potential. I have taken several courses on stress therapy and meditation. That only gives me the basics though , I have lived through it and came out on top.. I hope we can help each other.

My daughter and myself

My daughter and  myself
this is NOT stressful .

Thursday, May 21, 2009

These are my Rules -- follow them for stress reduction.

  1. Try , really hard.. to work no more that 10 hrs a day ! 
  2. Have at least 1.5 days off .--no work related tasks anyhow  
  3. allow at least 1/2 hr for a meal - enjoy it , savour each bite - don't think about anything but your meal.  
  4. eat is slowly - chew well - helps with digestion. seriously.  
  5. try really hard to listen to some relaxing music - I personally love rock- classic rock however I will listen to music with no words , just nice rhythms . If you are not listening to the lyrics you can totally mind wash.  
  6. practice meditation /relaxation techniques (check out my relaxation blog for tips  http:kymmer7.webs.com  )  - at least 2 times daily for 15 mins - I know this is hard, very. however even when you are  driving car to work..  put on a relaxing c.d and don't think about anything causing anxiety  - I will count that as  1 . 
  7. ok - this one is hard , for me anyhow-  try to walk , and talk and more slowly-  there is no need to always be in a rush-  slow and deliberate  - concentrate on your words and your strides  -    just try this - it takes the edge off .  In cultivating these steps you  seem more relaxed , even if your not there yet - you are perceived that way.  
  8. smile  - respond with kindness to people .. it comes back two-fold.   It makes you feel good about yourself -  
  9. plan one trip a year  - not work related - a relaxing , get a way from it all vacation- Don't let financial issues bog you down here  - I know you are all out there saying , come on Kymm we don't have that kind of money -  well first of all, this is one of the most important expenditures of the year-  this is pertinent .   Your well -being depends and deserves this.We  all work hard, we all deserve a get-away  -- DESERVE -  (you can plan a retreat to go camping, or a couple of days at  a cheaper lodging , as long as you  are away from it all. 
  10. Exercise, I am not going into too much detail here, we all know how essential excercise is! I am going to blog about some great relaxing exercises later on.  
  11. please , please watch what you eat-- I know we all love our treats - however moderation moderation .. moderation-  having  a  nice glass of red wine, or a  piece of chocolate, or a hamburger is a great release- however the normal diet should be high in fruits, veggies and lean protein -- it helps so much when your digestion system is not taxed .  Plus the energy you get from eating well helps alot  in combating stress. 
  12. Being a stress consultant , I can help people more 1 on 1 with this one... but please get help if something like mental issues (depression) or relationship woes  are weighing you down . it is like walking around with a dark storm cloud over your head.. all the time.. 
  13. If you are unhappy are work look for alternatives  - I know this is hard.. we will touch on this one later .. 
  14. everyone has a hobby - something they enjoy doing - the key is to truly cultivate it.. work on it - if you enjoy painting then for goodness sakes paint- do not put it off , saying ah well I don't have time - That is a cop-out.    Doing something you enjoy , even if it is as simple as loving American Idol - ( I love that show) , then love it.. Don't make excuses saying oh I should not indulge myself is some silly show I need to be more productive-  I say come on . watch the show , enjoy it , sit back..   
  15. do YOGA - I cannot push this enough!  if anyone out there reading this knows any good yoga programs online please post on this blog ! Get a message , not everyday , just when you can   .   Even if it is from your partner - promise  something in return. 
  16. Concentrate on the here and the  now  -  do not DWELL on the past ..you cannot change it everyone makes mistakes  -learn from them and move on . Dwelling on the past are those mind toxins I was talking about earlier - They hinder us substantially.   
  17. Express your feelings  - I am not talking about being all dramatic and sappy - Just say what you feel ... especially to people you love.. this helps so much in getting your resentments out , again MIND TOXINS. 
  18. Don't set yourself up to fail it only weighs on you heavily and causes you to think poorly of yourself  when you don't succeed.   Make realistic  goals ,tasks and deadlines.   
  19. BIG ONE HERE  !! DO not rely on drugs , alcohol, blaming others..or any other  props - in order to cope . ACCEPT full responsibility for your life...  hear what I am saying here ..YOUR life..    not your employers, your spouse , your parents, your children -- your life. When you have a certain ACCOUNTABILITY  you will see truly what you need to change. 

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